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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - bruise


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Перевод с английского языка bruise на русский

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См. в других словарях

  1. ушиб; синяк, кровоподтек 2. вмятина, выбоина 3. помятость, побитость (плодов) 4. оскорбление чувств 5. ушибать; подставлять синяки she was badly bruised —- она была вся в синяках he has bruised his arm —- он ушиб руку 6. задевать, оскорблять harsh words bruised her feelings —- ее задели грубые слова 7. помять, побить (фрукты) 8. помяться, побиться (о фруктах) pack the peaches carefully so that they don't bruise —- аккуратно упакуйте персики, чтобы они не помялись 9. толочь large pieces must be bruised —- большие куски надо растолочь 10. охот. мчаться, не разбирая дороги (также bruise along) 11. уст. драться на кулачках ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) синяк, кровоподтек; ушиб; контузия  2) повреждение (растений, фруктов)  2. v.  1) подставлять синяки; ушибать; контузить  2) повредить, помять (растения, фрукты)  3) толочь  4) нестись сломя голову (тж. bruise along) Syn: see wound ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) повреждение; побитость 2) "синяк", "ушиб" (дефект слитка) 3) посечка (вид брака стекла) 4) раздавливать, дробить, толочь ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 an injury appearing as an area of discoloured skin on a human or animal body, caused by a blow or impact. 2 a similar area of damage on a fruit etc. --v. 1 tr. a inflict a bruise on. b hurt mentally. 2 intr. be susceptible to bruising. 3 tr. crush or pound. Etymology: ME f. OE brysan crush, reinforced by AF bruser, OF bruisier break ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~d; bruising)  Etymology: Middle English brusen, brisen, from Anglo-French & Old English; Anglo-French ~r, briser to break, of Celtic origin; akin to Old Irish bruid he shatters; Old English bry?san to ~; akin to Old Irish bruid, Latin frustum piece  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. archaic disable  b. batter, dent  2. to inflict a ~ on ; contuse  3. to break down (as leaves or berries) by pounding ; crush  4. wound, injure; especially to inflict psychological hurt on a ~d ego  intransitive verb  1. to inflict a ~  2. to undergo bruising her skin ~s easily  II. noun  Date: 1541  1.  a. an injury involving rupture of small blood vessels and discoloration without a break in the overlying skin ; contusion  b. a similar injury to plant tissue  2. abrasion, scratch  3. an injury especially to the feelings ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bruises, bruising, bruised) 1. A bruise is an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken. How did you get that bruise on your cheek?... She was treated for cuts and bruises. N-COUNT 2. If you bruise a part of your body, a bruise appears on it, for example because something hits you. If you bruise easily, bruises appear when something hits you only slightly. I had only bruised my knee... Some people bruise more easily than others. VERB: V n, V adv • bruised I escaped with severely bruised legs. ADJ 3. If a fruit, vegetable, or plant bruises or is bruised, it is damaged by being handled roughly, making a mark on the skin. Choose a warm, dry day to cut them off the plants, being careful not to bruise them. ...bruised tomatoes and cucumbers... Be sure to store them carefully as they bruise easily. VERB: V n, V-ed, V adv, also V • Bruise is also a noun. ...bruises on the fruit’s skin. N-COUNT 4. If you are bruised by an unpleasant experience, it makes you feel unhappy or upset. The government will be severely bruised by yesterday’s events... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed • bruising ...the bruising experience of near-bankruptcy. ADJ: usu ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc 2 a mark on a piece of fruit that spoils its appearance ~2 v 1 if part of you body bruises or if you bruise it, it gets hit or hurt and a bruise appears  (She fell off her bike and bruised her knee.) 2 if a piece of fruit bruises or is bruised, it gets a bruise by being hit, dropped etc - bruising n  (severe bruising to the face and head) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. brysan "to crush," from P.Gmc. *brusjanan, from PIE base *bhreus- "to smash, crush." Merged by 17c. with Anglo-Fr. bruiser "to break, smash," from O.Fr. bruisier "to break, shatter," from Gaul. *brus-, from the same base. The noun is first recorded 1541. Bruiser "a boxer" is attested from 1744. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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